Matteson Ellis
Member at Miller & Chevalier law firm

Matteson Ellis is a Member at Miller & Chevalier law firm in Washington DC, focusing on international anti-corruption enforcement and compliance. He specializes in the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and Latin America. He is often called upon by companies to conduct independent internal investigations into potential corruption and fraud. He focuses particularly on the Americas, having spent several years in the region working for a Fortune 50 multinational corporation and a government ethics watchdog group. Mr. Ellis has also investigated fraud and corruption and supported administrative sanctions and debarment proceedings for The World Bank and The Inter-American Development Bank. Mr. Ellis is author of the first book on the FCPA and Latin America: The FCPA in Latin America: Common Corruptions Risks and Effective Compliance Strategies for the Region. He is consistently ranked as one of the world’s top anti-corruption attorneys by Chambers Latin America. His law firm was selected by Chambers Latin America as “Law Firm of the Year” for Corporate Investigations in 2017.