Jeff Kaplan
Partner of Kaplan & Walker LLP and editor of the Conflict of Interest Blog

Jeff Kaplan is a partner in Kaplan & Walker LLP, a law firm in Princeton, New Jersey and Santa Monica, California. He received his B.A. (magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa) from Carleton College in 1976 and his J.D. (cum laude) from Harvard University in 1980. For nearly 25 years he has specialized in all aspects of assisting companies in developing, implementing and reviewing corporate compliance/ethics programs. He has also assessed C&E programs for the Department of Justice, SEC, World Bank and NYAG, and served as a monitor for the NYCDA. He was for many years Counsel to the Ethics Officer Association (now the ECOA). He is, together with Joe Murphy, co-editor of Compliance Programs and the Corporate Sentencing Guidelines: Preventing Criminal and Civil Liability (West 1993) and author of an e-book on risk assessment. He chairs the annual PLI Advanced C&E Workshop. He is the editor of the Conflict of Interest Blog. He was for more than a decade Adjunct Professor of Business Ethics at the Stern School of Business, New York University. He is a member of the New York and New Jersey bars. In 2009 he was a recipient of a Compliance and Ethics Award from the Society for Corporate Compliance and Ethics, which that organization bestows annually on “Compliance and Ethics Champions.”