Alma Rocio Balcazar
Consultant Government, Risk and Compliance, Governance and Anti-corruption

Lawyer from Universidad del Rosario - Bogota, with specialization in Corporate Law at Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, studies in Ethics and Corporate Compliance at the Ethics Resource Center - Washington DC and in Excellence in Corporate Management at Banco Mercantil –Caracas. Ample experience in development of corporate integrity and compliance programs for domestic and multinational companies. Currently an independent consultant on corporate governance, risk, compliance and anticorruption matters.
Experienced in design of strategies to facilitate collective actions, sector agreements and public-private alliances in different business sectors. Her work in leadership and facilitation of business associations codes, received with the anticorruption Agreement of Pipe Manufacturing Companies in Colombia a World Bank award "Collective Action Practitioners Competition”. A speaker and panel member in domestic and international forums and workshops.
Foudation partner for GRCompliance SAS - firm with broad consultant services throughout the LA region focusing on counter-money laundering and anti-corruption.
As Director of the Private Sector Area of Transparency International – Colombia Chapter, 2002-2010, lead research studies and publications of domestic scope such as “Index of Transparency for Public Utility Services Companies” and “National Entrepreneurial