The INTERNATIONAL COMPLIANCE CONGRESS is an in-person event that brings together compliance experts to discuss the main challenges of the sector in Brazil and Latin America.

The project is done by LEC Legal, Ethics & Compliance, a company committed to defending the privacy and data protection of all its employees, clients, partners, associates, and users of its platforms.

To ensure you have a satisfactory experience, we commit to acting in accordance with applicable laws and regulations regarding personal data protection and to provide important information about the processing of your personal data.


Purpose: Personal data processing will be done for a legitimate, specific, explicit, and duly informed purpose.

Adequacy: Personal data processing will only be done if compatible with the purposes informed.

Necessity: Personal data processing will be limited to the minimum necessary to achieve the intended purposes.

Free access: Easy and free consultation about the form and duration of the processing, as well as the wholeness of personal data, must be guaranteed.

Data quality: The personal data processed will be accurate, clear, relevant, and up-to-date.

Transparency: Information regarding the processing of personal data will be easily accessible, as well as clear and accurate, allowing knowledge of how data is processed, the purposes of the processing, its form and duration, and with whom your data may be shared.

Security: Technical and administrative measures will be adopted to protect personal data from unauthorized access and from accidental or illegal situations, such as distribution, alteration, and loss.

Prevention: Measures capable of preventing harm will be adopted.

Non-discrimination: Personal data will never be processed for discriminatory, unlawful, or abusive purposes.

Accountability: Measures capable of proving compliance with the law, as well as the effectiveness of these measures in protecting personal data, will be adopted.

Purpose of Personal Data Collection

We collect your personal data to provide your event registration, communicate relevant information for your participation, perform event accreditation, use the event application, send related offers, issue participation certificates, and process payments.

Name, email, and phone number are collected at the beginning of your registration via the “RD Station” platform, where the data is stored for future communication.

Next, payment data will be processed by the “Edools” and “” platforms, which respectively enable the storage of participant data and payment processing. For event accreditation via the “Digitevent” platform and access to the event application “Yazo,” we use data such as name, email, job title, and company.

Data collection also occurs automatically, such as when you browse our website, through cookies, as explained below.

Collected Data

When proceding with the registration to participate in the event, the following personal data will be collected:

Full name

  • E-mail
    ●ID Number
    ● Date of birth
  • Company (optional)
    ●Position (optional)
    ● Full address
    ● Credit card info (if applicable)

Data Collected Automatically

When you visit our website, we collect, through cookies, data such as your IP address; your device model; your operating system; the type of browser you use and its respective version; your geolocation and timezone settings; the time you spend on our pages and which types of content are most interesting to you.

It is worth mentioning that cookies are small text files that a website or application can send to be stored in your browser or on your device, acting as a sort of identifier.

Cookies are used to facilitate navigation and use of the website, making it necessary for you to access certain content. Additionally, cookies are used to measure website usage, such as the number of visitors and the duration of their visit.

There are necessary cookies, which are essential for navigating the website and using the provided resources, without which services cannot be accessed and provided; session cookies, which assist the user in navigating the website, tracking their progression from page to page, so that information already provided during the current visit is not requested again; and persistent cookies, which store your preferences for current and successive visits.


Legal Basis

All personal data processing operations are carried out in accordance with Brazilian legislation on personal data protection, so there is a legal basis for our activities to be conducted.

The legal basis used is consent, which comes from your authorization for LEC to process your personal data – this after receiving clear and explicit information regarding the types of data and specific purpose for data processing. This occurs when you fill out our participation form.

If you change your mind and wish to revoke your consent, please contact us at any time through our contact channels and inform us of your decision. In all our emails, you can also revoke your consent by simply scrolling to the bottom of the message and clicking on “unsubscribe”.

All your data processed exclusively under the legal basis of consent will be immediately deleted, except for those that need to be retained due to compliance with legal obligations or legal or judicial orders and to defend LEC’s interests in any administrative or judicial measures.

Storage, Conservation, and Elimination of Personal Data

LEC stores, in national territory, the data collected on third-party servers that meet the security standards established by data protection legislation.

Personal data is kept so that the participant can receive more informative content about data protection, as well as offers of additional paid content, such as courses, certifications, or related events.

The data will be stored and maintained for the purpose of enabling this continued communication, so there will be no voluntary deletion of data by LEC.

If you are a participant and wish to no longer appear in LEC’s database, request deletion at any time by emailing, based on Article 18 of the General Data Protection Law.

As a data subject, you have various rights guaranteed by Brazilian law, namely:

Confirmation of existence: It is the right to confirm whether we are processing your personal data or not.

Correction of incomplete, inaccurate, or outdated data: You may contact us if your personal data is incomplete or incorrect and you wish to update it.

Access to data: This is the right to access all the information we have about you and request additional information about the purposes of data processing, categories of personal data, duration of processing, data sharing, and identification of organizations that may have accessed your data.

Anonymization, blocking, and/or deletion of unnecessary or excessive data: This is the right to request, if necessary, the verification of the database to ensure the elimination of unnecessary data, or even the blocking and/or anonymization of such data.

Portability: This is the right to have your data sent to other service or product providers upon request.

Deletion of personal data processed with the consent of the data subject and revocation: As mentioned, data processing for the Yearbook occurs with consent. Therefore, if you wish to revoke your consent, all your personal data will be deleted, except in cases where there is a need for retention to comply with legal or regulatory obligations.

Information and clarification about the consequences of refusal of the consent: It is important for you to know that you are not obligated to provide your consent and what the consequences of refusal are for the desired service provision.

Exercising these rights is free of charge. If you make a request to us, our maximum response time is fifteen days from your request. However, for the proper fulfillment of your request, based on personal data protection legislation, we will take necessary steps to confirm your identity.

Security Measures

LEC and its partner companies adopt various measures to ensure the security of all data processed in their activities. We use well-known technologies that include firewalls, encryption, and access restrictions, and whenever possible, pseudonymization or anonymization of personal data is ensured.

Sharing with third parties

The personal data of participants are collected and stored on the platforms mentioned above and will only be shared with third parties, event sponsors, with the specific consent of the data subject, manifested through a dedicated checkbox, so they can receive communications containing informational content and offers.

The personal data of participants collected through the event app Yazo, who participate in the gamification event, are collected and stored on the mentioned platform and will only be shared with third parties, event sponsors, so they can receive communications containing informational content and offers.

In these cases, the shared data is limited to the participant’s Name, Email, Position, and Company.

All event sponsors are committed to fully respect the Data Protection Law and the rights of data subjects, in accordance with their privacy policies, including the possibility of deleting their respective databases at any time. Personal data may also be shared to respond to a judicial or arbitration process, as well as to protect the rights, property, or safety of LEC, participants, and/or the general public.

It is worth noting that our services and events are advertised on third-party websites such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. It is important to remember that we are not responsible for the privacy practices or content shared by other websites, so Participants should familiarize themselves with their privacy policies.

Changes to the Privacy Note

We may, at any time, make changes to this Notice.

When we make material changes to this Notice, we will provide visible and appropriate communication according to the circumstances.

Therefore, it is essential for the Participant to ensure awareness of any communication.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or wish to contact us to exercise your rights, please send an email to, or call (11) 97699-4360.